A Timely Reissue

Reading Rule Britannia you would be forgiven for thinking Daphne du Maurier predicted Brexit.
This prescient novel, first published nearly 50 years ago, explores a future where Britain has separated from Europe in favour of a political, economic and military alliance with the United States.
‘It is rather awful, Emma thought as she walked across the fields down to the farm, how this business is leading us all into subterfuge and deception, and we can’t really tell who is friend and who is enemy . . . ‘
Emma wakes up one morning to an apocalyptic world. The cosy existence she shares with her grandmother, a famous retired actress, has been shattered: the country is on the brink of bankruptcy, there’s no post, no telephone, no radio – and an American warship sits in the harbour. The ‘equal partnership’ is beginning to look like a takeover bid . . .
An eerie prediction of Brexit first published in 1972, has there ever been a better time to discover this remarkable novel?