OurShelves with special guest Austin Channing Brown

Who is your feminism for?
Austin Channing Brown was named by parents who deliberately wanted people to presume their daughter was a white man when applying for jobs. Now a speaker and writer working for Racial Justice in the US and the author of I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness, she explains how her hopefulness is not rooted in white people but in the work. With candour, insight and a lot of laughter, she tells Lucy why her recent bestseller’s royalty check only reinforced her resolution that economic success should not determine her feminist principles, reveals that ‘a woman becoming herself’ is her favourite fiction genre and raves about the beauty of textile art that recalls our foremothers.
Click here to listen.
On the nightstand – books that are currently on your bedside table
Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera
Somebody’s Daughter by Ashley C Ford
On your mind – a recent article, podcast, film, series or song
Bisa Butler’s artwork
On the shelf – one book that made you think about feminism in a new way
Hood Feminism by Mikki Kendall
On the pedestal – tell us about one person (woman or non-binary) you admire
Roxane Gay
Tune in next time for more conversation about books, feminism and culture.
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